Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Hacking Mac : Useful installations & shortcuts

Some of the software usually you'll love to have:

Mac Installers:
  1. iSync (not available for Mountain Loin)
  2. Adobe Reader
  3. Adobe flash player
  4. Adobe Air
  5. Twhirl
  6. Evernote
  7. OneNote
  8. Picasa
  9. Adium
  10. Alfred
  11. Skype
  12. Chrome
  13. VLC
  14. Keepassx
  15. X11 and XQuartz (Macport)
  16. MySQL (mysql/php configuration)
  17. Skitch
  18. Sublime 2
  19. SilverLight
  20. ImageMagick
  21. Ntfs-3G
  22. Java & eclipse
  23. GreaseMonkey / TemperMonkey Script - firefox/chrome
  1. Install .dmg from Command Line : hdiutil mount cotvnc-20b4.dmg 
*nix Commands:
In Mac Terminal:

  1. ls -lSr : list files (-S for sort by size)
  2. cd - :  to swap directories to the previous working directory
  3. for f in *.txt;do echo $f;done : Looping over a set of files
  4. find . –name "*.txt" –mtime 5 : files & folders modified in the last 5 days
  5. rename –v 's/foo/bar/g' * : Rename files using regular expressions
  6. mv /path/to/file.{txt,xml} #rename just part of a filename
  7. cp /etc/rc.conf{,-old} #Backup of the file
  8. sudo !! #represent the last command you ran
  9. mkdir my{1,2,3} #will create my1,my2 & my3 folders
  10. Bash Shortcut 
    1. Ctrl + U: Clears the line from the cursor point back to the beginning.
    2. Ctrl + A: Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line.
    3. Ctrl + E: Moves the cursor to the end of the line
    4. Ctrl + R: Allows you to search through the previous commands.
  11. Using Alias : Some useful examples
    1. alias agi='sudo apt-get install'
    2. alias emp='cd /usr/local/mysql/data/employee'
    3. alias grep='grep --color'
    4. alias ls='ls –l' # if you always wanted ls to actually do ls –l

Some shorcuts:
  1. Shift + Command + I : Compose outlook
  2. Shift + Command + N : New Folder
  3. Shift + Command + 4 : Screen Capture
  4. Command + Alt + D : Dock Hide / Unhide
  5. Command + Alt + Esc : Force Quit
  6. Command + M : Minimize
  7. Command + H : Hide 
  8. Command + D : Clone in finder
  9. Command + Q : Quit
  10. Command + I : File Info
  11. Command + S/C/V : Save/Copy/Paste
  12. Command + Delete : Delete
  13. Enter / Return : Rename
  14. Space : Quick Info
  15. Command + Space : Spotlight
  16. Delete : Backspace
  17. Delete + fn : Delete
  18. Command + Z : Undo
  19. Command + Shift + Z : Undo
  20. Command + Left : beginning of line
  21. Command + Left : Ending of line
  22. Alt + arrow : jump by word
  23. Command + Alt + I : Inspector in Browser
  24. Shift + Ctrl + arrow: Word selection
  25. ctrl + arrow : Desktop switch
  26. Lock Screen : Enable Hot Corner

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