Some of the software usually you'll love to have:
Mac Installers:
In Mac Terminal:
Some shorcuts:
Mac Installers:
- iSync (not available for Mountain Loin)
- Adobe Reader
- Adobe flash player
- Adobe Air
- Twhirl
- Evernote
- OneNote
- Picasa
- Adium
- Alfred
- Skype
- Chrome
- Keepassx
- X11 and XQuartz (Macport)
- MySQL (mysql/php configuration)
- Skitch
- Sublime 2
- SilverLight
- ImageMagick
- Ntfs-3G
- Java & eclipse
- GreaseMonkey / TemperMonkey Script - firefox/chrome
- Install .dmg from Command Line : hdiutil mount cotvnc-20b4.dmg
In Mac Terminal:
- ls -lSr : list files (-S for sort by size)
- cd - : to swap directories to the previous working directory
- for f in *.txt;do echo $f;done : Looping over a set of files
- find . –name "*.txt" –mtime 5 : files & folders modified in the last 5 days
- rename –v 's/foo/bar/g' * : Rename files using regular expressions
- mv /path/to/file.{txt,xml} #rename just part of a filename
- cp /etc/rc.conf{,-old} #Backup of the file
- sudo !! #represent the last command you ran
- mkdir my{1,2,3} #will create my1,my2 & my3 folders
- Bash Shortcut
- Ctrl + U: Clears the line from the cursor point back to the beginning.
- Ctrl + A: Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line.
- Ctrl + E: Moves the cursor to the end of the line
- Ctrl + R: Allows you to search through the previous commands.
- Using Alias : Some useful examples
- alias agi='sudo apt-get install'
- alias emp='cd /usr/local/mysql/data/employee'
- alias grep='grep --color'
- alias ls='ls –l' # if you always wanted ls to actually do ls –l
Some shorcuts:
- Shift + Command + I : Compose outlook
- Shift + Command + N : New Folder
- Shift + Command + 4 : Screen Capture
- Command + Alt + D : Dock Hide / Unhide
- Command + Alt + Esc : Force Quit
- Command + M : Minimize
- Command + H : Hide
- Command + D : Clone in finder
- Command + Q : Quit
- Command + I : File Info
- Command + S/C/V : Save/Copy/Paste
- Command + Delete : Delete
- Enter / Return : Rename
- Space : Quick Info
- Command + Space : Spotlight
- Delete : Backspace
- Delete + fn : Delete
- Command + Z : Undo
- Command + Shift + Z : Undo
- Command + Left : beginning of line
- Command + Left : Ending of line
- Alt + arrow : jump by word
- Command + Alt + I : Inspector in Browser
- Shift + Ctrl + arrow: Word selection
- ctrl + arrow : Desktop switch
- Lock Screen : Enable Hot Corner
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